Up-date on Libby

Today wasn't a good day. I took Libby back to the vet today. It was bad news. She has a condition called Stomatitis.Feline stomatitis, despite the odd name, is actually a painful chronic oral disease in cats. The condition is thought to be autoimmune in nature. In cats with the disease, the immune system overreacts to dental plaque, which triggers an often overwhelming inflammatory response in the tissues of the mouth, throat and even underlying bone.
Since feline stomatitis is very painful, symptoms in cats can include behavior changes and reluctance to eat, which can trigger dehydration, weight and muscle loss. Other signs of the disease include excessive drooling, extremely bad breath and pawing at the mouth. For more info on this disease click on above link.

If you have a cat this is something every cat owner should know about. Having just lost my sweet adorable Cuddles just one year ago this news was devastating to say the least. I am trying to wrap my head around this news and so far I haven't been able to yet. She has been under the bed for the last 7 hours since I brought her home from the vet until just about an hour ago' when she jump up on my lap and laid on the shoulder for about an hour. She's probably back under the bed again now. I just love this little girl so much. I can't even imagine losing her. Thoughts & prayers much appreciate.

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