My Best Efforts - Year 3


This Morning at 8.23am.........

................when I drew back my dining room curtains, this gentle sky greeted me. It was not spectacular - just lovely pastel shades and perhaps heralding a very pleasant day. That would be great.

Anni is off on one of her 1-day missions - at least she should have had a dry drive at midnight last night and should now be winging her way to her destination. Am always pleased when she texts me when she gets back! (which should be late this afternoon - it's a long old day for her!))

A lovely start to the day as you can see - hardly any wind and quite chilly at 34 Deg.F - last year it was frosty with a slight mist..

I hope the weather is as good where you are - if so, enjoy it.

sooc except for a slight crop.

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