Farewell blipmeet

Our good friend and fellow Adelaide blipper Graham McArthur will soon be taking up a new position in Canada. If all goes to plan he will be on his way before the end of this month.

We had a fascinating blipmeet and lunch today with Graham at the Adelaide Central Market. Naturally we were full of questions about his plans and his new challenges that he sees ahead of him. The biggest challenge at the moment is jumping through endless hoops, going through all the red tape in order to leave Australia!

Paladian and I hope to one day visit Graham in Canada, especially as he will not be all that far away from Debbi and some of our other blip friends across the border in NE USA.

Safe journey and good luck Graham in your new venture up north. We will be thinking of you and looking forward to a whole new series of blips from your new home. Bon Voyage!

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