Crazy Overstuffed Life

By Allison

Time for Change

This is the only picture I managed to take on January 9. "It's Time for Change" is the branding adopted for the big overhaul of Union Station currently taking place in Toronto's busiest transit hub. Here expressed slightly ironically below the monitor showing my homebound train as cancelled due to signal malfunctions which have been vexing the system all week. Blame it on the cold, perhaps, although yesterday was back to completely normal winter temperatures (-7C when I finally arrived home).

There was a media buzz about possible Northern Lights, but instead of getting up to watch for them I simply crashed when I got home. Have been vexed with a headache for a couple of days which I think is now subsiding. Will need to a google whether the northern lights really did make it this far south. I've only seen them once in my life. They were special.

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