secret garden

By freespiral

Grey and drizzly to start with then the sun burst through so it was back in the garden. There is so much to be done but it feels good to be out there working. More brambles and dead wood cleared; excess parrotweed removed from the pond; blueberries and gooseberries tidied and fed with potash. Franco was here too. He came here several years ago with his wife wwoofing and they stayed! He cleared two large willows that had fallen, logged and stacked them. It was warm enough to take coffee outside.

An evening stroll down to the sea. The moon was out, the clouds were coming in from the west and was all was calm. The road is still closed and will be for sometime but a steady stream of sightseers made their way gingerly over the boulders, plastic and seaweed. This was the view from the pub, currently marooned but still open.

Did anyone see the Aurora last night? It's meant to be viewable far south for the next day or two. I was out at midnight but it was too cloudy here. Maybe tonight.

Currently listening to Sundog - this seems to go rather well.

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