Wistful moments

By KathM

Finally a dry bright day and on a day off too, bonus! I decided, after a lady from the village came to measure up for my curtains, to pull on my new boots and go for a walk. From the house i crossed the village green into the cow's field where i found Rosie playing in the long grass. She followed me to the far side scampering at my side and threatened to join me for the full distance. However, i do have to cross a small road and didn't want to encourage her so i had to retrace my steps and take her home before setting off once more.
I can't believe how much rain has fallen recently, and on crossing the little rickety bridge i saw the full extent of it where the river had burst it's bank flooding the field. At it's worst i was mid shin deep in water. Thank heavens for warm comfy wellies. :-)

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