Don't talk to me about TalkTalk

This afternoon I took a new laptop I’d set up over to a customer for the simple job of connecting it to her broadband and copy a few files from the old computer. Then off to coffee.

An hour or so later I discover the password on the back of the router, and the same password given to my customer when the nice men from TalkTalk set up her new router, was not the actual password required to connect the wireless to the laptop. Network security screens don’t have that friendly button saying ‘forgot your password?’, you’re left to your own devices.

So eventually I found a network cable, connected to and logged into the router, and discovered the actual password, absolutely nothing like the one they’d given her.

So much for coffee, it was now tea time!

Luckily I had a much better morning. After walking Dylan I took off to Shottery Village, via the plague pits (Shottery Fields, now holding a flood lake large enough for a herd of elephants to drink at, slight exaggeration, though there where three birds there, one of which was having a bath) with my camera.

I still haven’t fully got to grips with it yet, practice I suppose will improve, the focus being my main bugbear, although it’s great to take it on an outing. This is one of the paths leading off the fields.

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