And Another Thing...

By dhackett68

Reflective Mood

I passed this last night, but without the three-legged friend! So when the liquid sunshine finally stopped, I headed around to the Green.

Took half an hour to overcome my increasingly dodgy eyesight and an auto-focus that doesn't do low light, and ended up with one shot left on the card. So just as I started the 30 second shot, the prowl van decided to do a lap of the Green in search of any outstanding oddballs/vagrants/doggers! I'll post up the non-secured version later.

You meet some interesting people standing beside the camera - particularly the old gent who was wondering how much you'd see from the camera and regaled me with the story of his days in the College of Art, when he and his mates would sneak over the fence at nights with some bread and a line, and then dine on roast duck for a couple of days...

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