
By M9


Squirrel Blip Friday: One of each - but this didn’t last long! The black squirrel will attack another squirrel if it’s anywhere close to where he wants to be. You can see in his eye he's just about to jump on the brown squirrel. They spin so fast they look like they’re in a clothes dryer, then the brown will run off. Pictures of the tussle came out like a blur - at least I caught them in the brief moment they were close.

Today I finally got a shot at a squawking blue jay. It made so much noise I thought he was telling me to hurry up and get a shot now, because I’d never get another chance. Wondered if I’d have to bump my Friday squirrel, but as it turned out the blue jay pictures weren’t the best. (He’s on Flickr instead.)

Lighting was a real challenge today. Yes, the temp. rose above freezing, but it was very cloudy and drizzled most of the day.

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