
By SueT123

Tropical storm, flights delayed......

We awoke some of us having been awake most of the night to a tropical storm with rain like we have never seen! Apparently it was due to be like that for several days and may have been the start of the 3 month rainy season. We felt very lucky for our previous week's hot weather.
We packed up the boat and our son went off to the airport for a 11 am flight.
We had 2 hours to wait and it was so wet the only thing to do was to go and have a LONG coffee. That we did. The photo is taken outside the cafe and even though it looks very wet, it does not begin to convey how heavy the rain was.
Fast foreward 2 hours, our youngest son was still at the airport. The incoming plane from Syndey could not land and was diverted to Brisbane!
His flight was postponed until 5 pm.
We arrived at the airport and the plane we were going on landed an hour late after two attempts!
We then left an hour and a half late for Auckland and our son left 6 hours late for Sydney. He is visiting his cousin and then back to work in Toulouse in 2 days time.
We arrived back at my brother's house at about 2.30am grateful for a safe journey home and a great holiday!

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