Sunrise Over & Past Pewsey Downs

With the forecast promising a fine day, I checked on TPE that sunrise would be at 08:08 and arrived on top of hill on Pewsey Downs Nature Reserve at 07:50 and set up my two Olympus OMD EM1's.

One had the newly acquired Olympus 100 - 400 f2.8 - 3.5 equivalent on a tripod and the other round my neck with the equivalent of a 24 - 70 f2.8.

True to the forecast the sky was as clear as it could be. Not really what I wanted! And the sun rose at 08:08!

Due to lack of cloud and from that hill the ground is very flat for some distance the best shots where taken with the tripod and lens at 400mm showing the hills in the distance, which I am guessing are those around Oare, south of Marlborough.

I don't normally blip until later in the evening, but this is definitely the one I want to show.

Will have to find a better location with more hills and trees in the path of the sun for the next time we are treated to this awesome weather.

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