PawsClaws n Tails outWest

By DesertP

Flappin Hot!

What's all your flappin about Ethel? Settle down woman!
It's flappin hot Joe - that's me problem!
Well stop flapping yourself around and getting all worked up, you'll only make yourself hotter!
Why on earth are we sitting up the top of this tree in full sun at midday?
Cause we're egrets and that's what we do! Why is that chick photographing us out in the sun in the middle of the day?
Don't think she realizes its a crappy time of day to be birding!
Silly humans....

Yep, that was me! I picked up my car today finally after four weeks of sitting at the car yard waiting for a part from Japan! The car yard is conveniently close to Herdsman Lake so despite the absolutely stupid time of 11:30am and the already 41 degree heat I decided to try and get a few birdy shots while I was in the area.

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