Thirty No More

By MarkusMeerkat

Bed ridden

Feeling absolutely awful today. Can barely swallow or speak, and feel dizzy and queasy and generally like death.

I think I probably should have taken some time off work last week, but I was determined to get through the year without any sick leave.

The boys decided to cheer me up by descending on the bed to play Peekaboo on C's tablet that he got for Christmas. I had to return the original one as we couldn't configure the Web browser to stop going to advertising sites ( a bug they told me, sounds far more malicious than that to me ), so now replaced it was a Samsung tab 7 inch. More money, but I'm happier with that over the original.

Not sure if I'll feel any better or worse tomorrow, but such a shame I'm missing today. It's a glorious blue sky day in Bristol.

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