Village Windmill, Oudemolen

Taken from the hard shoulder along the (in my opinion weird disconnected part of the) A59, somewhere between the Noordhoek ('Nordhook') junction to where it joins the A29 heading north. Such a sunny afternoon it was! Started out with Zeeland in mind but already knew I wasn't really in the mood (and neither was it warm enough anyway) to drive that far, so just spent an hour exploring more of my neck of the woods. West Brabant is a beautiful and quiet area to live, so much so that many folks who work in the big cities (I am one of them) prefer to live here. Of course, that I ended up at all working in Rotterdam had nothing to do with our move here nigh 20 years ago.

The village of Oudemolen, which means 'old mill', is tiny and centres around the ... you guessed it ... old mill! It is still in good working condition and was whirling happily in the sunlight (wind was force 6 Beaufort at least) as I shot it.

Am at peace this weekend, looking forward to some cozy Ellaphant hobbies which can be done at home, plus some equally cozy housework. Wishing you all the same!

[If you drop by yesterday's blip, you'll see a backdated blip link ... ]

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