Vaguely Marvellous

By Benelia

Under the Counter

So if you want to buy camera film in Jessops these days you have to ask for it. And they pull out a dusty basket from under the counter with a variety of different films in it and you rootle around until you find what you want because the sales assistant clearly knows nothing about film even though she is over 30. It's obviously not part of the training anymore. It was fun, felt almost illicit.

Tomorrow, Marc and I are going to play with his old Pentax: 36 exposures = 18 each. I have never used a film SLR, so I practiced a bit taking photos on manual with my camera whilst taking this photo.

As you will have worked out, we went to town again today. A good haul: Wreck this Journal for Amelia, pens for Ben, a blanket for me, aforementioned camera film for Marc and I, and a deep fat fryer. Chips for tea, anyone?

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