
Sadly, Mandy wouldn't let me post the photo of her in her Brew Shed t-shirt. Felt she looked a bit more rounded than she'd like. It's those halogen ceiling lights - I swear they'd make Kate Moss look plump.

Anyway, a nice wee productive day with one of those long-neglected jobs ticked off (the kick boards under the kitchen cupboards - Mandy's worried about her mutt getting trapped under there). To do that I had to change the blade on the table saw. Jings. Knife through butter, which is when I remembered that the old blade's 10 years old and has probably sawn a few nails in its time. That explains a lot. Then I built the raised floor / deck in the brew shed that will keep my stock and empties off the floor. That was a nice job to get done.

Then it was time to make good on one of the resolutions in my head - to cook a nice dinner on a Saturday night. Tom Kerridge - Lamb rump, onion puree, anchovy dressing. Jesus that was good. And there's enough leftovers to look forward to having it again on Tuesday.

While I was in Dunfermline getting lamb I popped into a little secondhand shop that had loads of jazz and blues records. Didn't buy any of that shit. Die Hard trilogy for a five and four Coen Brothers films for £8. Time to crack open and beer and fire up the projector.

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