Definitely a "Nice-like day".

That's where "The Golf ball" ought to be.
When complaints were raised about its intrusive appearance, from tens of miles away: "They" said it was only visible, on average, 12 days per year.
If memory serves you'll be heartily sick of the sight of it by the year end COZ I'm going to count the sightings :¬))
The only clouds I remember seeing today were on the "East Fell-Side", conversely the western side of the Pennines.

Decades ago Mam got a letter from a Dutch person she had done a favour for. It was written in Dutch so we had to get Eddie from "up the backs" to translate it. However, it was obvious what this bit meant "hartelijk bedankt" and I was struck by the similarity in format to the Cumbrian idea of it being a "nice-like" day.

Eddie himself was Dutch: but was, on one memorable occasion, heard to remark ...
"WELL, if that's right I'm a Dutchman."
There followed what could be described as a pregnant pause, followed by...
"Bloody hell, so I am!!"

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