Princess Fiona

This evening while hubby and I went out to dinner and a movie, we had several thunderstorms. Fiona gets very anxious with storms. When we came in the door, she was very happy to see us. I think her expression in this photo is her way of telling me not to leave her during a thunder storm!

Day 8 of my organizing Challenge and I have not missed a day yet. My goal today was to only spend a couple of hours tackling my side of our master closet! After I was done, I left a paper shopping bag filled with items to donate on the floor. While I was in another room I heard the sound of paper tearing and I was pretty sure it was not my hubby making that sound. Sure enough the girls were in the room having a ball eating the paper bag. I did not have my blipping mind on, or I would have caught the guilty pair to show everyone.

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