Live it loud!

By Lostpixel

Cutting remark!

An incredibly busy day that started at 8:30am and finished at 9:30pm with no breaks. One of those days where everything was planned to the minute in order to get everything done.

In the middle of the day the boys and I went for haircuts. Jamie was at the far end with AJ and was texting me to ask why I was photographing. It was very quiet for a Saturday so lots of space so you could see the reflections off reflections in the mirrors.

The day continued with both boys helping construct Jonathan's new flat-pack bed. The three of us completed this in record time with only one cock-up on the way. I can recommend this method rather than trying to do it all on your own. With two doing a task with the third planning the next one and getting all the parts together, it helped get the whole job completed quickly and without mishap. It was also great fun being with both Jamie and Jonathan for a few hours joshing and joking.

As soon as that was completed it was dinner, walk the dog then take Jamie back to his Uni digs in Coventry along with his new bike. It was also a great relief that the GPS tracker fitted to his bike triggered while we were on the way. It was the first real test since I fitted it. Fed up of having bikes nicked, anyone tacking this will get a shock.

Back home then completely shattered.

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