Back to rugby and watching referees

The best of a bad job, just can't get the hang of this taking shots of sporting action even though I'm using the rapid fire function. Using the zoom makes it difficult to pick where the action is going to be. Still, practice makes perfect. And it was a good day for standing on the touchline - dry for a start and sunny, but a little cold later.

The teams liked the ref, giving him good or excellent reports, so he obviously contibuted to their afternoon's enjoyment. Us "experts" from the touchline could see one or two aspects that needed attention - especially offsides as there were no penalities for offside awarded in the whole match. Who has ever heard of a rugby player who never strays offside?

Poor chap, I was the third match observer in 4 matches and as he rightly points out how can he assimilate and act on advice if he's being watched so much?

The day proved to be a very good day indeed - a walk in the morning notched up 4 miles, so that's 25 so far this month. Out to beat the 500plus miles total last year. A good supper in the evening - the Hairy Dieters Fish Stew. Then we watched "The Time Travellers Wife" on DVD. Very strange, didn't seem a feasible storyline to me. Internal logic didn't make sense. Someone like Terry Pratchett on the other hand is totally wierd but kind of makes sense. This film didn't.

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