Along the right lines

It was a beautiful day. The birds flocked to the garden to devour everything I'd put out for them. The starlings are my favourite characters, but one of them was not a starling, although it was hanging out with them and of a similar size. The tawny-coloured bird flew off before I could take a snap, so I hope he or she visits again soon.

Si and Lindz came over for the evening and we had a great deal of fun. Si brought a game called "Cards Against Humanity", which is not something to be played with parents or children, or with those of a sensitive nature. There were some cards that even we were far too disgusted to play - they went back in the box. The game goes like this:
1. A player turns over a black card that contains a sentence with one or two words missing, such as "A new play has opened in the West End - ": The Musical".
2. This player turns away while the other players each put down a white card from the selection in their hand. These cards have a phrase or word that complete the sentence on the black card. The more surreal or funny, the better.
3. The first player then reads the sentence several times, on each occasion replacing the with the phrase on one of the cards. Whichever gets the biggest laugh wins.

I can't repeat what the winner to that sentence was from last night' game (far too distasteful!), but here's a notion of what some of the phrases are that we could choose from to fill the "" (whilst still keeping it clean- some of the phrases are extremely rude):

- A micro pig wearing a jumper and knitted booties.
- Christopher Walken
- Elderly Japanese men
- Repression
- My relationship

It got more difficult towards the end when only one or two cards were left in our hands.

Afterwards, we played charades until the early hours. This was hilarious. However, acting out "The Poseidon Adventure" and "Potergeist" made my brain hurt. What I will take from this is that "dark sounds like shark". Fred took so much time guessing Simon's interpretation of "dark" that Lindz and I almost lost it laughing. This was despite "sounds like shark" being stated quite early on. Oh dear.

My apologies to our neighbours for all the noise.

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