The morning after the night before

I got a call at 5.30pm last night from husband Martin to say he was stuck in the mud. As it gets dark at 4.00pm and I was still shopping in Cambridge, and he'd kindly driven the dog for her evening walk to the least muddy place round here, in the car, in his trainers.....

- Please bring wellies
- And muscle power (James)

Yep, there was some swearing and comments along the lines of "you two are just not pushing hard enough" as I wiped the splattering mud off my face; when finally another two people came to help and after 40 minutes he was on solid ground again!

This was the aftermath of the ground this morning. Not a pretty sight.

I had hoped to get some amusing pictures from the mini camera strapped to Jess's collar during dog agility today but alas it was an unmitigated failure, best shots were of grass and boots. Nevertheless, interesting enough to try again another time.

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