
Or Sunset? I couldn't decide.

The moon is bigger in large. ;)

I went in search of a landscape (waterscape) opportunity to test out my birthday gift from the Hubs. He got me a lovely full frame, wide angle zoom over a week ago and we just haven't had the sunlight for taking a decent landscape image. Well, today we had some sun and it wasn't snowing, so I jumped in the car and made my way to the beach. After driving about 15 miles of backroads covered in deep slush and ice my car looked like one of those Subaru commercials where they go off roading (appropriate, since it's a Subaru). ;)

I spent a few minutes in the car when I got there; adjusting the camera, putting on my winter gear and evaluating the shore for the best vantage point. As I sat there, I thought a snow plow was coming up from behind me... the sound was so loud! Nope, nothing back there... it was the WIND! The car started to rock from side to side. Given that and the damp cold air, I wished I had packed a set of instant hand warmers in my bag. I searched my camera bag, my purse and finally my car and found an OLD package of warmers! Too old; one of them was a rock and never got warm, but the other one warmed slightly... enough to help keep my shooting hand warmer... so I was pretty happy.

This is such a pretty spot, it's were the Platte River empties into Lake Michigan. This shot is of the lake and the one on Flicker is of the river. Taken from almost the same spot, shot in opposite directions. I was very pleased with the performance of the new lens and look forward to shooting more with it. :))

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