Kipper Cabin

By KipperCabin

When did this happen?

It was tagged last September ... and no one's touched it since!

The other side of the shipping crate is criminal. Higgledy piggledy spray that evolves from week to week, never amounting to more than a bit of unfinished business.

Mum and I wheel by it every Sunday, on our way to the harbour. As we did today.

God! Was Hurricane Nellie blowing through the harbour today?! Yes, she was! But we pressed on around Westsong, all the same. I say, "MUM! Are you feeling the cold?". "NO!" shouts she, but I don't hear her cos the wind whips the words right off her lips, over the rocks and down under the docks. But I could tell that we'd gone too far by the withering looks from the few folk that passed us by. They assumed I was off to push her over the end of the dock, obviously.

We had our flask of tea and mince tarts by the fire in the lounge at the home. I only turned away for a second and she was gone, off to dazzle an old gent that clearly wanted some peace and quiet.

"MUM! For gods sake behave yourself!"

The table has turned ... about three hundred and sixty degrees.

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