
By mollymay49


This square is similar to an open window looking down towards the Marina at Mindarie, beyond the grassed area there are steps that take you down to the bottom of the hill.

It's been a cooler day 28c, a lot of cloud and so very nice, the heat wave of the weekend is now on its way to south Australia.
Adelaide is predicted to reach 40c and stay that way for around 4-5 consecutive days, their worst on record, poor people.

The heat wave has left it's scars here at the weekend for the people of sawyer valley up in the hills district, over 40 homes destroyed, and many more damaged.
Sara's friend phoned her to say they were ok just the shed and boat were destroyed!
Around 7 houses were destroyed in one street alone.
Some people have lost everything, it was heartbreaking watching the news on the T.V tonight.

Some have paid a high price for living in such a picturesque bush land area, we travel to this district many times in the Spring and Autumn, such a beautiful area, our hearts go out to the people effected.

DDW Challenge: Jan 2014
13; topic, Square..

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