Heathland View

It's one of those days when if you don't like the weather just wait 5 minutes. The symbols on the BBC local forecast had a cloud with sun peeping out and raindrops below. It showed a variation of those things throughout the day. It wasn't wrong either! I stopped up by Little Haldon heath where the sun was lighting up the valley towards Newton Abbot.

I walked off on a short circular track and after a little while stopped to frame a tree against some lovely fluffy clouds. That was when the first shower came so I buttoned up and walked on. A few minutes later, out came the sun again and I had about five minutes to take a few shots across the valley before the next shower rolled in. A walked on a bit further waiting for the light again. It didn't come but at least it stopped raining so I took this one of a little birch tree and a fairly wild looking sky. The rain came in again and seemed like it really meant it this time, fortunately I was nearly back at the van by now so home for a cup of coffee.

I really didn't know which of these to blip, the tidy one with the nice light or the mean and moody one with the fierce sky. In the end I thought nice light ought to be celebrated, so there you are.

It's my village Photo Club tonight, looking forward to that. Thanks for your comments on yesterday's. Sorry I haven't replied to them but I thought with limited time at the moment, I'd use it trying to catch up with your lovely journals.

Have a good evening


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