collecting alms

The noises of Strand Road filtered through the windows early this morning (the road NEVER sleeps!) so it was up and out for a walk.
The plan was to walk to a riverside pagoda but I got waylaid three streets later by a morning market.
Towered over by old and increasingly crumbling buildings from colonial days, sellers sit on the sidewalk selling vegetables and herbs, still wriggling fish and eels strung on bamboo strands, chickens, piles of chillies and pots of shrimp paste, rice, eggs, tea, betel leaves and beans in pods a metre long!
An extraordinary mix and kick start for the senses.

These young nuns walked through the market carrying beaten metal alms bowls and chanting. In the side alleys rice sellers poured a handful into each bowl as were small offerings of vegetables and money,tied in small bags.

Folk were very generous about being photographed and me butchering their very pretty language with the few phrases I've learned so far :)

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