Same same

Had an appointment with a new (for me) practitioner. This is not happening.. me talking illness; it is so boring when older people start to talk about their complaints and never stop.
Anyway we had a sunny morning and I felt content to meet a new person to talk with. He owns the gym I attend and got a positive feeling of him. Got a new medicine for my blood pressure that is too high. First one that does something. Hurra! Second matter; knees aching so much that I wanted him to give me morphine. He didnt agree with me though, so no exciting drugs here!! And then when we talked he was born in the same year as I was and he has the same shit with the knees. What an opportunity to show some empathy! Both ways actually:)

Lunch outside with collegues E and F. As the zone is new I choose a restaurant that was mediocre. Better luck next time.
We had our meeting and then home to meet up with two clients.
Now tired to death after a short night, but also fulfilled.

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