A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Mommy's little helpers

Aka Nurofen (other anti-inflammatory drugs are available). I was going to blip the tape on my back because I have enjoyed feeling like an Olympic diver all afternoon but I think that trying to contort in a way to take such a picture would have pretty much defeated its purpose. I did try to take it off but that will have to wait until I shower in the morning as I am quite wimpy about that sort of thing. All of which is a convulated way of saying I've hurt my back. Though fortunately only a little bit and I am hopeful of being back to normal back function by the weekend.

The morning was not that productive as I didn't want to take any of these before seeing the physio at lunchtime so the pain was a little distracting. However, after I had seen Magic Esther (her real name) and was both taped and drugged up I was able to get as decent enough amount of stuff done as can generally be expected from a Monday.

Lesley x

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