San Francsico International Airport

I was waiting for the shuttle bus to take me to the hotel. I had been here before. This time, my wife and I had spent a glorious week with our grandkids. We were looking forward to spending a night in our own bed but were making plans to go again and to get the kids to our place in Texas.

The first time, I stood in this spot I was coming home after Vietnam. A different time. A different place. A different feeling.

When I lived in San Francisco in the 1970's, I flew home several times from this airport. Calling San Francisco "San Fran" or "Frisco" would show your ignorance. One called the city by its full name or "The City."

This time, we never made it into The City unless you count driving through on the freeway. Maybe next time. Hopefully, there will be a next time.

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