Moving Into The Unknown

By dvdlodi

Wheatland Ferry

Occasionally I choose to ride the ferry on my way home from work, rather than driving through the downtown area. In theory it should reduce my commute time. Tonight I was greeted by the brake lights of 20 cars waiting in line. Tried to photograph the brake lights and I only managed to make one photo look good. But, I didn't have anything good to say about the situation, as the delay put me about 20 minutes behind schedule (The ferry only holds 9 cars at a time, so I had to wait for it to cycle across the river twice).

So instead, you are looking at some pipes that caught my eye when I finally made it onto the ferry. Nothing special, I know, but these silly pipes reminded me that that there is a story behind everything.

I immediately began wondering - who installed the pipes on this ferry? What was this person like? Did they drink too much on weekends? Did they have a family? What troubles woke them at 3:00 a.m. in a cold sweat? Would love to hear that pipefitter's story someday.

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