Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy


Jubilee Tower atop Castle Hill, from where you can see all of Huddersfield and the surrounding countryside - it feels like the top of the world.

It's always chilly up there - this morning it was absolutely freezing. I will blame my cold fingers for the loss of my ND Grad filter, which rolled away down the substantial hill and is now lost forever in the gorse bushes. Any hopes I had of gaining some of Lizzie's poise and elegance (to say nothing of the slim figure) are dying away. If dogs and owners grow to be alike, I fear for the poor dog!

I committed a small act of vandalism on this to mark my 300th Blip (a Jubilee if you will (thanks to Corinthian Column for pointing that out)). When I started this I didn't think I'd see the first week out, but I'm still here - admittedly the touch of OCD helps, but mostly it's the very lovely people who make every visit here an absolute pleasure. Thank you to all of you, for your generosity, your humour, your awesome photography skills and your inspiration in all sorts of ways.

To celebrate - probably the best cover version there has ever been - Jimi.

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