Gaia's Child

By maura143

Hard Night

Ferocious Storm came through last night. We were awoken, shortly after midnight, by an ear numbing clap of thunder. Elder Dog (15) JAZ who is almost deaf but apparently still able to hear thunder just fine…jumped from her bed and immediately went into her Major Panic Mode. Teeth chattering, body shaking so violently that I worried that she might progress into convulsions. Creating all manner of Havoc in her attempts to climb into my bed, which normally is not allowed. No amount of comforting, holding or offers of treats could convince her that her world was not coming to an end. Even her Thunder Shirt was of no use!

ThunderStorms never used to faze JAZ while she could hear. Loud noises would elicit no more than a passing lift of the head and a sniff of the air from her. But now…now things are Very different!

She finally settled down, wore herself out and fell asleep around 3:30 am. So, of course, today she and we are... Slugs! Maybe next time I'll try Earplugs, if not for JAZ, at least for me!

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