On the wings of time!

By sabrina

A day ON the lake

Hubz and me are trying to convert as many people as we can to fishing. And today we convinced two more friends. Went ice fishing with U and T today. They are an adorable couple and so much fun to be with. We took them to our usual spot. Here we are almost in the middle of the lake. The weather was beautiful until wind started to blow. I caught two pretty large ones. And T caught a tiny one which we let go. It was the first time for U so she couldnt guess if the rod is being tugged on or its just the wind. So usually fish nibbled on her shrimp and went away by the time she noticed. Hubby was a loner coz he changed so many holes and tired differwnt techniques, yet the fish refused to come to him. Which was funny coz he is the most experienced one out of the lot.

Afterwards U n T came over to ours and we deep fried the fishie we caught with peas rice, mashed potatoes, and gravy. Yummyyyyy

Another thought that hit me was its almost the middle of the month!! Where did the days flew by since christmas n new year...!!!

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