
By chrissypav

The thin blue line..

Rain rain go away come back another day!!! Seems to be one day good then the next bad! Today was bad, weather wise that is.. I took myself off to Brighton to buy me some gaiters. Gaiters i hear you say? yes!! blinking Gaiters and i love them.. It's my walking group meetup tomorrow and from the recce last week i know how wet and muddy it's going to be so hence the purchase today..

I took my camera with me but once in Brighton i wasn't in the mood to go hunting a blip so after looking in a few shops and buying more fingerless gloves, 50p from primark a bargain i know!! I caught the bus home and thought oh well sheep, pheasant, shells i'll find something but for you delight and delectation i give you raindrops on the washing line..... Enjoy ;)

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