War Horse

The 'Proud Stallion' is the actual title given to this beautiful sculpture by Liverpool born, Tony Evans who now lives in Cheshire. For his sculptures Tony specialises in animals in action using mainly copper and bronze; a good deal of the materials he uses are recycled from old boilers etc.

I saw the 'Proud Stallion' in my local picture framers when I picked up one of my framed 'works of art'??!!

Things to be grateful for today:-

1. Had a lovely day out with friend and fellow blipper bitznblipz - she made amazing lentil soup after which we braved the cool air this afternoon.

2. I survived my first YOGA class last night. Our teacher broke us in gently after the long Christmas break and I don't seem to have suffered any real ill effects today - a bit ginger to start with though!!

3. Mr T bought me some Roses (flowers - not chocs, thank goodness) !

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