Wet Dry Sunny Rainy

By eubers

Parc Natural de Mondrago

Had another lazy start today and decided that after yesterdays mammoth driving session we would just stay local. Just down the cost is the Natural Park of Mondrago.
It's not very big - a couple of square miles maybe, but it has some fabulous beaches.
This is what most of this side of the island would have been like before the 60's and It is fortunate that they have managed to save a bit from the spread of villas.
We only discovered this a couple of years ago and it makes a very nice place to walk and a look at the blue blue sea.
I visited with some trepidation as I have twisted my ankle every time I have been - but not this year!
I managed to get this photo (in between floating Germans) of the sea pulling up the super fine sand to give all kinds of colours

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