Rainy Days

I had no will, no inspiration, little enthusiasm, still in the dumps and well the weather, the weather still continued worsen, the rain coming down like stair rods, hitting the car like the rattle of the machine guns in the war films I watched as a child. I shot a few frames from the car, there was little hope of getting out to walk as it was simply far too wild.

A surprise text, my friend which always gladdens my heart but there followed a photograph, a sneaky peak of a work in progress, oh my, I was speechless!! I was genuinely blown away by what I saw but that is a blip that will follow in time to come...

I watched the commuters, not the amble with their coffee this morning but the scurry shrouded in the warmth of winter coats huddled under umbrellas seeking the shelter they provided from the bouncing rain. When will it end? as I sit and type I can hear the rain battering at the skylight on the stair and I know that is going to be the rhythm of the night.

Maybe tomorrow will bring a little respite, I wait with baited breath, I hope wherever you are you are safe, warm and with those you love and care for, I hope you enjoy the shot and again maybe tomorrow there I will be more opportunity to shoot something a little more inspired but for today I liked the patterns of the rain on the window, the way it seemed to soften the forms of the commuters as they hurried along their way...

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