It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

Moon Halo....

I had my blip in the bag at 5:30am today....Or so I thought....

I walked the dog tonight and was greeted on the field to the most amazing sky I had seen for ages....You've guessed it...No camera
Should I run home....(It'll kill me) .....

Got on the blower to Paula and ran home...sort of ....out of puff....grabbed camera gear and picked her up and we got back to the field although the moon was much higher!
Saw two guys with telescopes waiting for the cub group to show up!! lol
By then we'd be finished and outta there lol ;-)

This is one of a few although only two are on Flickr as I'm out of editing time again.

Diesel thanks you all for getting him to the Spotlight yesterday No. 5 too ;-)

Hello new Subscribers :-)

Draco The Star Dragonxx

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