
That's me today!

I did something I never do this morning..........slept right through my alarm clock.

Fortunately the Boss' clock went off half an hour later and I made it on time to work.....but it was a rush...and it throws the whole day out.

I got a hug this morning for my kind act last night.

I taught four lessons and used my non-contact time to plan all next weeks lessons...because I didn't have time yesterday...my spare time was used up by others.

Wore my good face this morning....no one needs to know how low I am.

Didn't go to the quiz tonight....the Boss is at work....V wasn't up for it ......the Daughter didn't want to come ....so D and I sacked it.

The Daughter seems to have solved her work problem....so that's a weight off my mind.

Now if I can just make it to the weekend...and some Charlie and Hannah time....I might just be brighter next week.

For now I'm going to try an early night.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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