
By katgirl


You would have thought she would have been thrilled with a morning walk. We had hiked this trail several times later in the day and she seemed to like it. But early in the morning, when it is still chilly and the sun is hiding behind the mountains, Cleo found the walk terrifying. Every hiker was a potential threat. She growled at a lady with walking poles and a nice man with a coffee cup who stopped to say Hello. Her fears escalated the further we walked. Finally, we got to a point where she simply refused to go forward and would only walk back towards the car. Walk is not the right word for it. She would have been running, but Miss Arthritis - Neuropathy cannot run, so I followed at the quickest pace I could. She had me worried going downhill, as some of those descents were very rocky. We made it to the car in one piece, much to her delight.

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