Backup Shot

I had to take Daughter into Stirling today to the orthodontist so was hoping to get a photo there. However, the landscape was grey and there was nothing much else happening. On the plus side, the shops were very quiet.

Daughter has now come to the end of her treatment and the orthodontist is very pleased with the results. Daughter explained that even if she has one night without the retainer she can feel that her teeth have moved again. He explained that she may well be in the third of the population that will always have movement in their teeth and therefore may have to continue to wear a retainer at night to ensure that her teeth remain perfectly straight.

Anyway, no photos taken in Stirling but luckily I had a back up of sorts. In the morning I had taken half a dozen photos with my new lens. I must use it more so I have put it on the camera and will only use this lens over the weekend. No matter what.

Even though I only took a few quick shots I atually quite like this one. Would have liked it more if I hadn't chopped off her ears.

Just noticed, this day last year was a backup photo too!

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