A lesson in Blip

Good morning class. Can anyone tell me the significance of the number 730?

Yes Miss! 730 is the number of days you've spent posting photos on Blip.

Excellent. And what does 730 equal?

Me, me, me Miss! Two years, miss! Two years of spending goodness knows how long every day, posting photos and nosing in other people's lives when you could have been dusting, hoovering, cleaning the bathroom or generally being a whole lot more useful.

Wonderful! I've taught you well!

Now my lovely students, I want to say that you're all completely wonderful for helping me celebrate my big 730 by agreeing to pose in this completely random photo, despite the fact you all have much better things to be getting on with. You're all A* students. Have a cake!

And thank you Elf for your excellent camera work. x

...oh, and you boy, you can come out of the corner now. I think you've learned your lesson.

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