
By avilover

Charadrius nivosus

#21 - BlipBigYear 2014

B and I headed up north today to gaze at rare birds. We dipped on a known Burrowing Owl but were able to locate a Northern Shrike that's overwintering at the mouth of Redwood Creek, as well as the local pod of Western Snowy Plovers at Clam Beach. This subspecies of Snowy Poof Ball is considered threatened by US Fish & Wildlife and as such constant efforts are made to monitor and protect the breeding populations along the Pacific Coast. This includes year-round study, cordoned off nesting habitat, and active determent of nest predators like ravens, gulls, and unfortunately people's unleashed dogs. I had only seen a fleeting glimpse of this species once before, so this afternoon it was a real treat to find 30+ little puffy birds snoozing in the dunes. A special sight, this one.

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