
By ElectricFish

Time To Think

Went to my jewellery class today and got a text to say two Polish friends get their Irish citizenship papers on Monday and want me there.... I'm obviously delighted for them as I sponsored both.... I managed to fish out two pieces of green sea glass from the mound I have collected and set them in silver to mark the occasion.... Have to go Monday morning early to polish them for the celebration lunch... Glad I got the news in time...
Spent the afternoon wandering the lanes of Meath and Dublin watching, looking, thinking... A great way to clear the mind.... The old abandoned ruin reminds me of the good and bad.... The good in the respect and values people generally had... the bad in the hard times I'm personally glad we no longer generally have.... And the first was driven home when I looked at a fb "Friend" who "liked" a photo I took yesterday morning....and put it on his page as his own... and I wonder what this soon to be ex fb friend gains... I freely allow people copy my photos and expect only recognition....seems reasonable to me... Another friend asked for the photo I blipped of my local harbour two nights ago... Made it the cover photo on her local community page but acknowledged me!! 316 likes and 28 shares..... That cheered me up and rekindled my faith....
Waiting for the full moon tonight... Very cloudy.... Hope I don't have to wait another month.... The night is young though.... and if its after midnight maybe tomorrow's blip.....Will dedicate it to a friend who loves photos of themoon and of old gates.... just saying

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