In the distance

Another nice warm sunny day here in Calgary (high of 7 degrees C). Number two son had the day off so we took his land lady's dog for a nice long walk in bow ness park. I love the doggie bins in the off leash park. For my UK friends provincial law only let's you have the dog off the leash in designated areas. This keeps everyone safe. This is number two son with Sophie who seems to have a problem with Mr G at the moment. (She just won't go near him unless he has a titbit for her.) but she did keep herding us !
You cannot go far in Calgary without seeing the Rockies. So, here they are again in the distance.

Once again I just didn't know what to blip so when I get home I will have to upload to Flickr . If the meeting with number two son is ok tonight I might blip all 3 of the men in my life and add it

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