Nesssaintee's World

By nesssaintee

Foggy Friday

It was mostly dull today, patchy fog at cloud base, foggy in town, it tends to linger in the glen and drift up the river and out into the firth here at times
Nessie's breath perhaps ;-)
No further on with occupational health people, my gp more or less says that I just go back to work when I feel I am up to it, this is a whole different ball game.
Had to recount my whole experience of the past year (painful)
Didn't really see the need for that as they have had my permission to look at my medical records for ages and not bothered.
Suggested weird hrs, 3 x 4hrs per week to start off, Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Not really practical I think, we shall see, hope springs eternal.
The sky cleared a little early evening, the moon giving away the fact it was out to play by lighting up the clouds to my east, could see Jupiter, Orion, Auriga, Cassiopeia, Perseus and the Plough for a while.
Stood out and looked for a while, the significance of my problems seem to melt away, it grounds me.
All too brief though as the fog and cloud drew in.
Hope that you've all had a good day

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