The End Of A Busy Day

Phew! Mr. W and I are exhausted! Our grandson Jackson came to spend the day with us yesterday and today. The three of us spent last night in a hotel, and four year old Jackson was positively starstruck -- he announced he never wanted to leave the hotel room! Very late to bed, after a family dinner with great grandparents, grandparents, great aunts and uncle ... and oh, so early to rise --5:30 a.m -- Jackson's idea!

Today was jam packed with running, jumping, playing, eating, drinking, questionsquestionsquestions, laughing, and playing some more. We all cried when we dropped Jackson back at his house late this afternoon ... wouldn't it be fun to just do this every day!

We were rewarded for our epic grandparenting stint by this absolutely gorgeous, more-vivid-than-you-would-think-possible sunset this evening. Of all the pictures I took today, this one took the (birthday) cake!

(For another view of today's shenanigans, here's a shot of you-know-who in the Bubble Bath this morning!)

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