
By CarmenC

Headshot of a Robin

This Robin was going for an acting and singing job and wanted a headshot for his portfolio. ;-)

First time out with my new zoom lens on the V1, so I went to Waltham Abbey Church garden slightly later in the afternoon than I'd anticipated. There's a little walled garden there and it was full of robins today. This little chap was posing on a nearby branch singing to me, so I crouched down to take some shots and he hopped on to the ground and kept getting closer and closer until I could have reached out and touched him. This was taken at 200mm (540mm equivalent) with him only about a foot or two away from me!! What a poser!

For the photographer's the poor light and max aperture of f5.6 was forcing me to high ISO's on the V1 but I think it's still captured a very good amount of detail even at ISO 3200.

The 55-200 is and F4- 5.6 lens and I must say it fits nicely on the V1 with the FT1 adapter. I could walk around with it hanging from my neck without feeling like I needed to support the weight of the lens to stop it pulling too much on the camera mount, no way would I do that (nor want to) with a DX or FX F2.8 lens of that sort of focal length. A very good compromise IMO and I'm very pleased with the results. Can't wait to have another go in some good light.

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