Busy busy busy

Our alarm clock shouted at 6:30 this morning, we were both quite tired as we had stayed up watching something, but luckily the iPad gave us thirty minutes of doze time

Daddy headed downstairs around seven, I stayed in bed and wrote lists / dozed until eight ish. Charlotte heard the shower go on, took her pajamas off and insisted daddy let her in!

Headed to Wilkos and got girlie light shade and new curtain pole for charlottes big girl room, as well as the obligatory ooooooo need some of that, that always seems to happen when in Wilkos.

Home, persuaded Charlotte to have a sleep, began operation big girl room.

Bed that was in there dismantled
Stuff to go back into loft - gone
Piles of stuff sorted
Clutter that was under the spare bed, removed.

Three bags of stuff for freecycle later and a room that has the potential to be a big girl room.

Had Lucy here for a while this afternoon whilst her mummy went shopping. The girls had fun.

Chilled. Popped to the pub but wasn't great experience.

Night all

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